In the same way that your heating system functions better after an annual tune up from your furnace contractors, your AC system will also work great after a professional AC tune up.
Look out for the following signs that will let you know that it’s that time of the year again to do some tweaking:
Weak Airflows Coming from AC Vents
When there is cool air coming from your AC vents but it doesn’t flow freely from the air registers, you can have one or several leaky air ducts or there could be a clogged filter. Fixing this problem is more cost effective unlike a major repair.
Your Unit Blows Warm Air and Not Cool Air
If your cooling system is running for long periods of time but it fails to cool your home to your preferred temperature, there will be a dramatic increase in your energy bills. You can easily tell whether your system develops a problem when you put your hand on the cooling register. If you feel warmer air, the system wastes electricity in trying to cool your house to your preferred comfort temperature with no results. It could be cause of multiple reasons, yet an effective tune up will solve this issue cheaply.
Your AC System Emanates Unusual Sounds
If your cooling system has been with you for years, you have to be familiar with its normal sounds when it runs. When you hear some strange sounds, you will need a tune up as soon as possible to identify and address the exact cause of these unusual sounds.
Dramatic Temperature Swings from One Room to Another
When you encounter some changes in temperature in one of your rooms but not the others, it could be less and sun-induced insulation than what you need or your air-tight windows. A yearly tune up will be able to solve this issue as techs will check the inner workings of your unit to identify the cause.
Appearance of Odors and Mold-Inducing Moisture
If any of these happen, these are normal indications that you have a leaking outdoor compressor or a broken or blocked drain tube. An expert tune up can fix this problem before you require any pricey repairs or you deal with unhealthy mold spores. A reliable air conditioner repair company va will be able to help you in ensuring that your unit is properly tuned up for it to function well in the many years to come.