Common seasonal allergies are less common during the cooler climactic condition. However, a person may experience hay fever all around the year due to emission of pollens from certain plants during different times of the year. It all depends upon the immune system as well as the location where they reside.
The common seasonal allergies
Believe it or not but one in every five Americans suffer from hay fever, or you could say, seasonal allergic rhinitis. When the immune system of a person reacts to some kind of outdoor allergens like pollen from particular plants, hay fever occurs. Wind pollinated plants like weeds, grasses, and trees are mostly responsible for such critical scenarios.
Common seasonal allergic symptoms
There could be mild or severe symptoms concerning allergic rhinitis. Additionally, a lot of people suffer from asthma while being diagnosed with hay fever. However, the most common symptoms include:
- Watery eyes
- Postnasal drainage
- Stuffy or runny nose
- Sneezing
- Ear congestion
- Itchiness in and around the ear canals, throat, and eyes
Apart from these, some of the lesser common symptoms would include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or headache.
Spring time situation
It is during this particular part of the year when seasonal allergies mostly occur through trees. If you are located in the northern latitudes, Birch could be the primary offender. In most common scenarios, it is the pollen responsible for causing hay fever to nearly 15-20 percent of those being suffering. There are some other types of trees that cause allergy. Some of the common names include willow, poplar, alder, and cedar.
Summer time situations
Summer is the time for hay-cutting. Timothy grass and ryegrass are probably the real culprits during this time of the year. Never forget to include the weeds. They are always present to cause difficulties. Grass pollen is what to which nearly 90 percent of the sufferers react strongly.
Treatment options
It is not difficult to diagnose hay fever. It could be easily diagnosed in comparison to the other allergies available. It needs to be seen whether symptoms are occurring only at one particular time of the year or all throughout the year. If the symptoms happen only during a particular season, it’s possible that the person is suffering from hay fever. Visit the allergy center and the doctor would be checking the nose, throat, and ears of the patient to confirm the situation. Medications like decongestants and antihistamines are usually prescribed.