Some important digestive disorders

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Digestive disorders are common among human beings of all ages. But most people do not like to talk about it. One need not suffer in silence. There are better treatment options and procedures to cure almost all digestive diseases. In this article I am going to explain some of the main digestive diseases and its easy remedies.

GERD (Gastroesopahgeal reflux disease)

Your stomach may reflux into esophagus causing a burning sensation in your chest. Usually it occurs at night after meals. It is natural that acid reflux may be felt once in a while by most people. But if it is regularly felt or felt at least once in a fortnight, it can be the result of GERD. This chronic disease has been affecting 20 % of all Americans. Its symptoms are nausea, heartburn, tooth erosion, trouble in swallowing etc. Most people get relief by avoiding beverages and similar foods that produces acids in the stomach. Over the counter antacids and similar medications can be beneficial. In rare cases surgery will be required to solve this problem.


These are hard deposits formed in the gall bladder. Statistics show that more than 20 million people in America have been affected by gallstones. Gallstones are created as a result of too much of cholesterol or accumulation of waste in the bile. Sharp pain in the right abdomen is the symptom of this disease.  Medications are sometimes capable of breaking and removing the gallstones. If, medications are not producing any good results, the patients will be compelled to opt for surgical removal of the gallstones.

Crohn’s disease

This is one disease in the group of diseases known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). This disease affects the end of small intestine known as ileum. In this disease the patient’s immune system attacks cells in patient’s body thinking them as foreign invaders. Rectal bleeding, diarrhea, fever, weight loss etc are normal symptoms. Topical pain relievers and immunosuppressants etc are the common treatment options. In rare cases surgical interventions are also needed.

Irritable bowel syndrome:

About 15 % of the population of the United States suffers from irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms of this disease are varying widely. The patient can have diarrhea as well as constipation as symptoms. The cause for the formation of IBS is not known.  Treatment is mainly based on diet. Avoiding trigger foods like alcohol, caffeine, sweeteners and gas producing foods, following a low fat diet etc have been found to be very effective. Low dose antidepressants and behavioral therapy have been found to be good treatment for this disease.

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