Window tints are one of the most commonly sought vehicle accessories due to several reasons. Some people want their vehicles to look visually appealing, while others want privacy and security. When it comes to auto glass tinting, two common types of tints are ceramic and metalized car window tints. The former tends to be the latest type while the latter is the oldest. Each tint type shares its pros and cons, which as a vehicle owner you should be aware of. So, let’s learn more details and see what you should pick for your vehicle.
What Are Metalized Window Tints?
Metalized car window tints have been around for a while and have gained a fair share of their popularity. These tints are still available in some countries but are not that popular. Back in the day, metallic tints were common as they were the only option. These tints were made of tiny metallic particles that helped reflect the UV rays.
Metallic tints used to be very cost-friendly and therefore, opted by every car fanatic out there. But, the problem with metallic window tints is that they tend to fade over time and interfere with the signals. So, if you are making a call or listening to the radio while driving, the tints may make it difficult for the signals to communicate properly.
This is due to the tiny metallic particles used to make such window tints. So, metallic window tints are only feasible if you wish to have budget-friendly tints. But you will have to compromise the signal quality as well.
What Are Ceramic Window Tints?
Ceramic window tints are the latest and modern version. These tints are made from ceramic particles that are a lot more superior to metallic particles. Ceramic window tints tend to be a lot more reliable, durable, and effective when it comes to reflecting UV rays.
Plus, these tints do not interfere with the signals either. But, the only disadvantage to ceramic window tints is that they are expensive. As a result, they are not an option for car owners who want things to be done on a budget. Moreover, ceramic window tints are always installed by a professional and come with a guarantee.
What Is The Cost Difference Between Metalized And Ceramic Window Tints?
While quality and composition are one thing, there is a huge difference between the prices of both types of tints as well. For instance, ceramic window tints can start from $200 and go up to $1000 depending on the size and type of the vehicle. Plus, the price also depends on the manufacturer.
Ceramic tints that are made to last several years and covered with a warranty are supposed to be expensive. Another reason is that ceramic window tints are always installed by professionals. The labor costs add to the overall cost and can make it slightly pricier.
On the other hand, metallic window tints when compared to ceramic window tints are very budget-friendly. These tints start from $100 and can go up to $300 for a standard sedan. A major reason these tints are cheap is their ability to block the GPS signals.
This has reduced the overall demand for these tints. Plus, when it comes to metallic window tints, you can install the tints yourself as the monetary risk attached is low unlike in the case of ceramic window tints. So, then again, these tints are only feasible for those who are looking for budget-friendly tints.
What Is The Lifespan Of Metalized And Ceramic Window Tints?
When it comes to comparing the durability and lifespan of metalized and ceramic window tints, you will observe a significant difference. Metalized window tints are known for their robust nature, mainly due to the metallic particles found inside. These particles improve the tints by increasing the reflection qualities and their scratch resistance.
Meanwhile, ceramic window tints are known for their high-end durability, surpassing metallic tints in almost every aspect. The credit goes to the ceramic particles that help the tints reflect UV rays. These are high-quality tints and do not fade over time.
Furthermore, these tints allow the passengers to have a clear view of the outside while sitting inside the vehicle. This is not the case with metalized window tints that offer little to no visibility, which can be a serious cause for concern while driving at night.
How To Install Auto Window Tints?
Although window tints are installed by experts especially when it comes to ceramic tints, you can install them on your own as well only if you have the required skills, tools, and a location. To begin with, window tints are always installed in a covered, dirt-free area just as when you would install a paint protection film Springfield and need a closed, clean space.
Dirt and moisture tend to be the biggest enemies of tints and can directly impact their durability and lifespan. To install the tints, you will first need to thoroughly wash the vehicle. Make sure the windows are dry and there is no moisture on the glass.
Next, you will measure the dimensions of the windows and cut the film accordingly. Using a chemical agent, you will spray the windows and a small bit on the tints and place them on the windows. Adjust the tints to make them sit properly in place. Then, cut the extra film using a cutter.
Grab a squeegee and run it over the tints to make the film bond properly to the glass and remove excess liquid as a result. Once the tints have been installed, you will need to give them some time to cure. Window tints tend to cure a lot faster in warm temperatures than cold.
You can use a hair dryer for drying the tint film. But, if you do not have one and the weather outside is cold, you will need to keep the vehicle parked inside for a few days and make sure to not roll your car windows up or down.
During the curing process, you might come across tiny air bubbles in the tints. There is no need to panic and you can use a squeegee with a hairdryer to firmly press the film. But, if the air bubbles happen to be larger, you will need to replace the film.
What Tinting Option Should I Choose?
The decision to choose between ceramic and metalized window tints depends on your needs and preferences. If you simply wish to improve the visual appeal of your vehicle without spending too much money, you can opt for metalized window tints.
But, if you want to have the best of both worlds i.e. aesthetic appeal and privacy, you should opt for ceramic window tints. If you are planning to purchase a new vehicle, make sure you get the windows tinted as soon as you receive the vehicle.
Ceramic and metalized window tints serve different purposes. They cater to the needs of different types of car owners. As a general rule of thumb, you should always define your needs first. This will help you make an informed decision rather than wasting money. Plus, always visit a window tint shop Springfield for installation. Paying a bit more for better quality work will only improve the lifespan of the tints.