7 Best Word-Of-Mouth Tactics To Know

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Here are some best and useful word-of-mouth tactics with the help of best review management software that will prove handy in your business and marketing campaigns.

Get best customer feedback

A user-based content is always reliable and goes viral. UGC can be sort of customer reviews like many people get customer reviews.

  • 86% users say that this kind of content is very reliable, honest and increase brand awareness.
  • Moreover, videos based on user generated content increases sales by 20%.
  • Here comes an interesting fact that users spend more than 5 hours on average on the content created by their peers.

Having a unique tag, incentivizing sharing pictures and creating a sense of community are some ways you can get users to create this kind of content.

Share Customer Reviews

People use best review management software to manage the reviews on their websites and products. Sharing customer reviews is the second important trick for word-of-mouth strategy for a business.

80% users find reviews and testimonials more trustworthy and they believe they are accurate about a product or business than the descriptions.

Also, these customers recommend the products and businesses on the basis of the reviews and testimonials.

The reviews increase trust, improve performance and quality and make customers feel more comfortable.

When it comes to reviews and testimonials, it can be done independently or through different sites. You can create videos and share on your sites. Yelp, Angie’s List, Houzz and other review websites will be more helpful to get customer reviews and testimonials.

Get Product Ratings

The products and service offered by a company should be made easy to understand. There can be added ratings and comparison between products on your own website in order to let users compere on your site without going anywhere else.

  • 63% users are more likely to purchase or buy products or hire services when a website or business has ratings on its website.
  • Ratings and reviews on your parent websites can increase up to 18% sales. And it can also influence more users to leave reviews. Use of best review management software is recommended.
  • The customer reviews are 12 times more trusted than the product descriptions added by the companies.

There are a good number of websites that can be used for examples and as experiments. Amazon, iTunes, newegg and others do this kind of rating in the best way.

Offer Incentives

Incentives are helpful when it comes to attracting users and new customers. You should have a reason for your customers to visit your sites and make purchases. The incentives, no matter big or small, always get the customer attention and prove handy in generating more sales and building trust. Trello, Dropbox and Blue Apron are some of the best examples of how users should be offered incentives and bonuses.

Create Referral Programs

Referral programs are very useful when it comes to a marketing campaign and strategy. The customers find it really easy to refer a brand or service to their friends, relatives and colleagues and earn rewards in return. The process continues and the companies ultimately make more sales. Uber did it when it introduced promos for new users and how it went viral in a short time. A good referral program should have the following:

  1. It should make spreading the word quick and easy
  2. Should measure the results of marketing campaigns
  3. Make it worthwhile for both the parties with incentives or benefits
  4. Connect with Industry Influencers

Connecting with industry influencers and thought leaders is really important for a business and company. They are the influencers and people with a strong followers base and can affect the users’ behavior of shopping and buying products. A product recommended from a celebrity or an international public figure will make more sales than any ads or campaigns.

  1. 40% people say they purchased certain products after they found an influencer using them on social media or other websites.
  2. 50% people believe in influencers and what they recommend when it comes to buying a certain product.
  3. 73% marketers say they have a specific budget for influencers when it comes to their marketing strategies.
  4. Offer a Unique Experience

Finally, we have another tip for the marketers and people in businesses that they should offer unique and amazing experiences to their customers, clients and users. A unique experience can be anything, a better service, a discount or promotions and they have a huge impact on the users. It is also vital to get customer reviews.

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